taking it literally…is it just me?

Is it just me, or did the phrase “read between the lines” always seem like it had some hidden, magical allure to it? Maybe not that dramatic, but I always got the impression that that phrase was suggesting that if you read between the lines…you’ll get the real point.
What I realized a few days ago is this…if you read between the lines, you’d actually just be reading the text. Imagine a piece of notebook paper……..what do you see between the lines?…….The words.
So this big bad suggestion, “read between the lines”, is really just telling us to read what we’re reading. Basically – Listen up. So maybe it is big and bad. Gotta keep it simple for us humans sometimes huh!
If I did some research (which I love research on word/phrase origin) I’m sure there’s more to the story and to the statement. Without research, my brain tells me that the word “lines” means lines of text, and reading between the lines suggests looking for hidden meaning. But why does the good stuff always have to be hidden? How much time do we spend uncovering truths and ideas? How often to we ring around the rosy only to realize that the truth was staring right at us?
Read between the lines…

human experience

Two of my most favorite aspects of the human experience…..
   Feeling blood flow through my limbs – – literally, not in a morbid way
   Hearing musical artists take deep breaths between lines

Thought of the day…


Why is it that when we put words in someone else’s mouth, it’s usually something we don’t want to hear anyways?


Be nicer to yourself and to others. Never make assumptions; if you do, at least assume something positive ❤

Swimming In Flames

Swimming In Flames




Swimming In Flames

‘Til Death We’re Apart (3 of 3)
Proper burial
Back into the Earth.
We put ourselves in our own boxes – Sub-turf.
The Funeral Business,
Caskets and Baskets.
Flowers and Haunting,
Stares and Prayers.
Caked with Make-Up, Dressed in Sunday’s Best
How you gonna look for your Eternal Rest?
Egyptians in their pyramids with jewels and decorations.
Monks in lotus chimneys, mummified by preservations.
Mummifying bodies, preserving the physical,
Freeing the mental – Sub-continental.
Under the ground
Onto the next round
When you’re inside the fire, where is the sound?
Outline from stencil, dead on the ground
Preserving the coach or
Rotting the rental

They know something that we have forgotten
They Kinged themselves and we’re going rotten
Pardon Me while I burst,
Out of the backdoor of this hearse
The flames feel so warm that I want to go inside
I’m realizing now that’s so beyond just a way to die
The guy sitting cross-legged, surrounded by fire
We see the ashes while he’s floating higher
A transportation portal, like only in cartoons
There are some wild ideas floating in my thought balloons
Agni transforms and these dudes really know the elements
We witness the demonstration and miss the whole elephant
We hand over our passing rights to the number one industry
With all due respect, what makes you think you know what to do with me?


Death is bizarre enough as it is, but do you ever consider all the rituals that surround it, or lack thereof?

Where “I’m from”, most people do the wake service, funeral, burial, sometimes there will be a church service… Pretty basic compared to the Egyptians and monks I mentioned in the poem.

I started thinking the other day, what if there’s way more to the burial process? The Egyptians make me think that their pyramids were some kind of portal. And I wonder why the monks would be concerned with preserving their bodies? Was it just out of respect or practicality, or is the body translated into their next life somehow? – Making it necessary to keep the body in good shape. Would they be saving it for the possibility of traveling back and forth?

I was at a bonfire last week. It was a little chilly outside and I felt like it would be so nice to actually be in the fire. That got me thinking about the people who light themselves on fire – in protest, or for whatever reason (another area I can research or will take input on). I started having these really interesting thoughts about transmutation, transformation, and what’s really happening in those flames. It was absolutely fascinating to imagine those individuals translating their souls into another realm – so much more than just dying in this physical world.

I wonder why people in my culture dropped all connection with the afterlife – other than ghosts and hauntings – which are usually doubted, downplayed, and misunderstood as it is. Maybe that’s why we have hauntings? – Because the spirits are upset once they’re past this life? I wonder what sort of hauntings they had in ancient Egypt or other cultures/times that handled death and afterlife differently.

I will be doing more research on all of this, but tell me what you guys think 😉


2013-08-25 14.21.48
‘Til Death We’re Apart (2 of 3)
From any little thing to the biggest deal of all –
Just open up your heart to it all.
Be easy on yourself if you stall,
But never be afraid, to let the wall fall.
Open up you’ll see it’s all the way it’s supposed to be,
I promise you on this, you’ll never have to question me.
This life is for us all.
Me – you, and we.
Everything’s not what it seems
Let us wake up to our dreams.


Could it be that this is it? That it’s Everything and It?
That’s how it is and how it’s it.
Simple complex in the mix
Believe me when I spit,
I just can’t quit,
This world’s full of knowledge and I’m soaking in the pit.
The Inspiration Train Station, Fountainhead of Information.
Pouring thoughts into your brain and leading you to meet Creation.


Test the perfection, enter truth, enjoy connection.
Follow me or learn your lesson.
Follow your own heart’s direction.


Can you feel it? Can you hear it?
Can you smile back at me with your spirit?
There’s no question, let me clear it.
You don’t ever have to fear it.
Through one body mind and spirit let your heart forever mirror it.
Play Creation, Jungle Gym Nation,
I provide the slide for consciousnesses to collide
–That which is inside can never hide.
Let’s accept that the universe is on our side and let it ride.


The stars are not so far apart.
Every cluster of galaxies exists within your heart.
The Constitution of the Universe has been here since the start.
What a work of art, what a massive work of art.
It’s not what we have, it’s whom we are.
That’s the greatest by far – we’re the greatest there are.
Near and far, far and wide, all these atoms and molecules coincide.
It’s no coincidence we’re aligned
See yourself, look inside
See for yourself, you decide.
You can divide your mind, try and rewind time only to remain blind to your own vision divine.
That’s who you are, embody the truth, choose to let loose and let live and just give.
Choose the heart, choose the love, choose the youth, come on let’s live.


Transcendelevator, take you to the stars—Darth Vader
Make you blind to all the haters
Make you nicer to the neighbors
Transcendelevator, help you shatter your container
Put the action in creation, enter in as the Creator.



Do you ever have those moments that work out so perfectly? Someone walks up to you who you were just thinking about getting ahold of. Or you’d forgotten about a refund that shows up in your account the day you need money….
I wrote this poem after a quick phone call I got one night. I had been on a roll, enjoying my own company and accomplishing goals around the house. A long distance call was coming in. This friend likes to talk a lot so I was thinking, “Ehh…should I really pick up or just keep doin’ my thing…”. I answered. It was cool though, because we were actually on the same exact page as far as mood and the overall vibe. I forget what we talked about but it was all “feel good” conversation. We went back and forth for just a couple minutes. I remember thinking, “this conversation is so out of the blue, yet so great and on point!” but I wanted to get back to my business. Right then the call dropped. I was thinking, “Wow, easy way out, weird!”. Then she calls back. I can’t not answer, she knows I’m here, but I really wasn’t trying to be on the phone for another 45 minutes. I decided to roll with it and pick up again. She goes, “Hey it was really great talking to you but I only called back to say bye”. This is such a simple example compared to some of the wild things I’ve experienced, but something about this moment really captured my attention. It made me realize that even though we highlight the “big” moments, maybe they’re all equally monumental. If we open up to that a little bit, stop bashing what has yet to come with fear, resistance or expectation, it might ended up being as cool as our next best moment. And whatever it is or ends up being, we can always just keep flowing to the next.
What if we accepted that idea that all moments possess that cosmic “magic”?
♦ What if the moments really are all “perfect”, or in proper alignment?
Doesn’t that give you a sense of ease and lift a weight off your shoulders?
Don’t be afraid to accept, understand, or push through those days or moments that don’t seem to make sense, or that push you out of your comfort zone. What if those boring or uncomfortable moments are just as magical and meaningful as the ones that appear with more sparkle?
I feel like thinking this way could make every moment feel more special, more charged with purpose.
Maybe the magic is always taking place even if it doesn’t strike us as some crazy coincidence.
Maybe accepting this idea, that every moment is happening for a reason, could allow us to enjoy ourselves, go with the flow, give us a little extra sense of purpose, and clear the path for more of the magical moments to take place.
Feel free to comment with your ideas about coincidence or synchronicity.
Tell me about the wild connection moments you’ve had or where you think it comes from or what it means to you!!!

Shine Like The Sun

Shine Like The Sun
‘Til Death We’re Apart (1 of 3)

People drive by and say the gardens look great

My dollars are one hundred and eight

I can’t skate, but I don’t wait for fate

Destiny’s on her way and heaven knows I’m never late.

I’ll be saying grace, while you’ll be saving face,

I don’t save face unless it’s mace

I’m not a masked man out of place

Sun-kissed beauties, Sun Goddess truth, please.

Wave Riding ruckus, Only God above us.

All aboard the Angels sing

Angels and airwaves become Everything.

Wings and waves, shotguns and switchblades,

It’s a never-ending divided line on the brink of the Eternal Yin and Yang.

Century Park after dark, it’s never too late for the song of the lark,

It’s never too late to rediscover the heart.

Fire ignites the spark that strikes up the never ending cosmic harp

Conducting this symphony on point – never flat or sharp

Every note in the key of We

In perfect harmony with each and every being you see.

A dream to me and music to my ears. Absolute music to my ears.

I’ve been so long without fears after all these years of tears.

It comes clear and I am in Absolute Awe.

Raw as Raw.

Unclench your jaw

Jawbreakers, Heart Takers, Skyscrapers, Dream makers

Seeing, feeling, hearing, and having the most amazing experiences of all time.

I had the time of my life,

Went out with a bang

I shot across the sky and my heart and soul Forever Sang

Birds, plane, UFOs and any strain

I bleed my soul out to the waters through my mouth with Zero Pain

Aztecs, Egyptians, Pyramids, and Soul Missions

I want for nothing as I’m flooded with the Blood of the Angels



it’s a love affair between the water and the sky; between the sun, human eyes, skin, and hearts. The night and day, the eternal and the absolute.

one of the most beautiful summer Sundays I’ve ever experienced

my experience of seeing a fantastic shooting star. It picked me, literally, up from my seat and made me run forward.

finding a tuning fork of drift wood days after writing the word “conductor” on my car notepad.

staring at the literal brink of creation where the water meets the sand. Nonstop unless it’s frozen. Even then it’s frozen in time to remind and return. The earth keeps swallowing itself and spitting itself out over and over. A clear piece of proof in action that we do become what we put into ourselves.

ancient eternal wisdom in action and experience

About The Blog & About Me



A Street Style Artistic Wisdom-Based Blog

Showing my Mirror to the World

Sharing lessons I’ve learned, wisdom I’ve gained and how I’ve applied it to craft the person I’ve become

To create gratefulness and appreciation for oneself and one’s life

To inspire others to follow their own heart, dreams, and calling

To provide a map and tools for self development and self discovery

Most importantly – to lead by example, authoritatively, yet humbly


Enjoy what you do.

Make Yourself.

Take a look through what I’ve learned, experienced, the way I see life, and what I’m doing with mine. Ask me anything you want.


I’m writing this because I deserve to. I’m writing this because I’ve figured it out. I’ve figured out what to do and how to feel like I’ve figured it out, enough to just LIVE. Everything I put faith in, including myself, ate me alive before I got to this point. I crashed and burned as soon as I thought I’d reached the top. Then a psychic approached me saying nothing other than, “You’re done. You’re done learning.” I knew what she meant. I’m not done and I will never be done, but I have blazed through a significant amount of what people spend their lives trying to figure out or trying to avoid and I’m only twenty-seven. Maybe I am done. Test me if you want. I’m writing this because I’m not afraid of anything anymore. Really for me, life has only just begun.

The only thing I need now is togetherness. If I share, maybe there can be more of us. I am in no way claiming to know it all. I just know me and I know how to know. I am not afraid to share it, in hopes that you will not be afraid to know and share you.

I can tell you everything, give my grand perspective on anything, in as honest of an account as possible. Or I can show you what I’ve become. I may never have been a baby in the trash, but I will not be afraid to call myself a diamond in the rough. I will never ever discount the gifts and blessings I was born with or the opportunities I’ve been given in life. What I’m realizing, literally right now, is that the pressure throughout my life was being applied by me and me alone. At the end of the day, or throughout every single second of it, you cannot escape yourself. That has been my struggle. Today, it’s my victory.